2009 Heidelberg SM74-5PH+L

UPP#417 Equipped as follows: 20×29 Circa 80 million impressions Prinect Press Center Axis Control (Spectrophotometric Color Measurement) Autoplate (automatic Plate Change) Preset (automatic size setting) Coater with chambered doctor blade and Anilox Roller Feeder with Central Suction Tape High Pile Delivery with Infrared Dryer Alcolor dampening with VARIO Ink Temperature Read more…

2021 RMGT 920 ST- 5 CC SLD

UPP#396 Equipped as follows: Circa 35 million impressions Speed 16,200 SPH PCS- G Color Control with Wallscreen PDS-E colour measurement control Smart FPC Automatic simultaneous plate change Smart RPC – Smart Auto Make Ready Preset Ryobimatic – D Damping Grafix Megatronic Powder spray Harris and Bruno Anilox coater Lithec Inline Read more…

2014 Heidelberg XL 75-4P+L

UPP#412 Equipped as follows: 53 x 75 cm (C-Format, 4-up) Perfecting: 2/2, 4/0 Circa 157 million impressions Maximum speed: 15,000 sheets per hour Prinect Press Center InPress Control Wallscreen Autoplate Alcolor Vario Dampening Technotrans CombiStar Refrigeration Ink Temperature Control (chilled rollers) Double Sheet Detector Inkline 3000 AirStar Pro Air Cooled Read more…