2018 ManRoland 708P

REF# 197519 Equipped with the following: Press Utilization: Paper Sheet Size: B1 Format (40″) Perfecter Configuration 4/4, 8/0 Continuous Feeder Conventional Side-lay Mechanical double detector Press type/Ink Configuration: Dedicated UV Single Ink Temperature Control Roof-top ink temperature control Brush/Blanket/Impression wash-up device Fully-Automatic plate loading Wash-up trays In-line Auto register control Read more…

2017 ManRoland R708P Evolution

UPP#322 Equipped as follows: 740mm x 1040mm Circa 29 million impressions 4/4 perfecting SPL Simultaneous Plate Changing Inline ColorPilot Press Pilot Wallscreen Display Inline Register Roland Deltamatic Ink Temperature Control Technotrans Alcosmart Auto Ink Roller Wash Auto Blanket Wash Auto Impression Cylinder Wash LED – UV Drying after Unit 4 Read more…

2012 ManRoland 706+LV HIPRINT

UPP#320 Equipped as follows: Six color offset press with coater 740 x 1040 mm Circa 80 million impressions Elevated press Color Pilot D+F Telepresence APL Plate loading Technotrans refrigeration Ink Temperature Control Auto Ink roller wash Auto Blanket Wash Auto Impression Cylinder Wash Non-stop feeder & delivery Quick Change Job Read more…

2008 ManRoland R505P LV HiPrint

UPP#280 Equipped as follows: Size: 605 x 745 mm Give color 6-up offset press with coater and perfecting Circa 60 million impressions Color Pilot with register remote control Hiprint equipment RCI Rolandmatic EPL (ergonomic plate loading semi-automatic) Extended delivery IR / hot air dryer All washing devices Combination unit – Read more…

2008 ManRoland 708P

UPP#274 Max. size 740 x 1040 mm 100 millions impressions Perfector 4/4, 8/0 PPL – Power Plate Loading Auto Format Setting RCI – Remote Control Inking PECOM – Press Management System Remote Register (Lateral, Circumferential & Diagonal) Grafix powder spray  

2008 ManRoland 708P

UPP#273 Circa 277 million impressions Perfector 4/4, 8/0 APL automatic plate loading Direct Drive Simultaneous plate changing Inline ColorPilot density RCI Multi CCI ( optional, not included ) Roland Deltamatic Dampening Alcosmart Ink temperature control Technotrans CombiStar Beta. c Alcosmart Technotrans beta f. Automatic Ink Roller Wash Automatic Blanket Wash Read more…