Pressman Printing in Ft. Worth, TX began studying an upgrade path for their older, non-coater Heidelberg Speedmaster 102 in 2016. They wanted to move not only to an automated press, but also to a press with Anilox coating capabilities. They contacted SGE in early 2017 regarding a 2001 Heidelberg Speedmaster SM102-4+L press we were taking on trade. With Autoplate, Preset, Anilox coating, 2/2 perfecting and the 40 inch check-boxes all ‘ticked’, Jay and his team decided it was time to come see the press for themselves.

SGE worked out a demo and inspection schedule that worked for Jay and within just a couple of weeks we met his team at the site. The press proved itself right away and Jay and his team made their final decision quickly.

SGE’s installation team worked very closely with Pressman. Our representatives did a pre-install visit to check the space and worked with their electrician regarding transformers and electrical requirements prior to machine arrival. Our riggers and mechanics worked diligently to have the machine up and running on-schedule. The shop now regularly produces perfecting jobs at top machine speed of 13,000 SPH, a massive increase in productivity for Pressman, without a doubt.

“The folks at Superior did a fantastic job for us all around. Everything was covered from beginning to end from pre-install planning to an additional visit by the mechanic after we were in production. Overall a top-notch job from start to finish!” -Jay Stringer