2013 Heidelberg CD 102-5+LX

REF# 191179

Equipped with the following:

  • Five color offset press with coater
  • Size 72 x 102 cm
  • Circa 135 million impressions
  • CP 2000 Press Center
  • Axis control
  • Autoplate
  • Preset Plus feeder
  • Alcolor dampening
  • Cooling and recirculation device
  • Frontlay control
  • Sidelay control
  • Blanket wash
  • Roller wash
  • Impression cylinder wash
  • Powder spray
  • 15,000 SPH (sheets per hour)
  • IR-dryer
  • Circumferential and diagonal register
  • Remote Control of Ink Zones
  • Ink Fountain Roller as well lateral
  • Circumferential and diagonal Register
  • Job Memory Card and Touch Screen