Equipped as follows:
- 740 x 1060 mm
- 175 million impressions
- CX equipment (additional equipment for cardboard until 1.2 mm)
- HS High speed package 20.000 SPH
- Continous dampening
- WallScreen
- ErgoTronic ColorDrive
- ErgoTronic Lab
- QualiTronic Color Control
- QualiTronic LiveView
- QualiTronic Quality Pass
- ErgoTronic ACR
- High efficiency antistatic equipment
- Active air-cooling for control cabinets
- Preset Feeder and Delivery
- Anilox Tower Coater – chambered doctor blade system
- Manual continuous Feeder
- Antis-static bars – Feeder and Delivery
- Dust removal in the infeed
- Blower cassette for card board sheet guiding
- Sheet cleaner
- CleanTronic
- Blanket wash-up system
- Ink wash-up system
- Impression wash-up system
- AGT inking unit
- Nonstop Delivery
- ALV3 – Extended Delivery
- Grafix Powder Spray
- Dryer Air Exhaust
- EES – Emission Extraction System