2008 KBA RA106-5+L SW ALV2

29 x 41 inch five-color format Approximately 168 million impressions Dedicated tower coater with extended delivery Harris & Bruno Anilox coating system with chambered doctor blade 1/4 or 5/0 convertible perfector Lithec LithoFlash Densitronic SIS SPC Ink temperature control Automatic roller wash Automatic blanket wash Automatic impression cylinder wash IR Read more…

2012 KBA RA106-4+T+4 SW HR-UV

NO LONGER AVAILABLE. 29 x 41 inch eight-color format Approximately 156 million impressions 4/4 or 8/0 convertible perfector FAPC: full-automatic plate change SIS – sensoric infeed system Drivetronic SPC (simultaneous plate change) Drivetronic plate ident Wallscreen Cleantronic Synhro Automatic roller wash Automatic blanket wash Automatic impression cylinder wash Ergotronic color Read more…